Thursday, July 14, 2016

A cutting edge, mystery city has been said to exist

Chicago Underground City A cutting edge, mystery city has been said to exist in a remote wilderness cavity in South America. Assuming this is the case, who may the researchers be who run this James Bond-sort super post?

The story starts with the immense Italian researcher Guglielmo Marconi (1874 - 1973), a previous understudy of Nikola Tesla. Marconi considered radio transmission hypothesis with Tesla and made his first radio transmission in 1895. Marconi and Tesla are both authorize for the innovation of the radio. Marconi's verifiable radio transmission used a Heinrich Hertz flash arrester, a Popov reception apparatus and an Edoliard Bramely coherer for his straightforward gadget that was to go ahead to end up the modem radio.

Marconi was a baffling man in his later years, and was known not explores, including repulsive force tests, on board his yacht Electra. Marconi's yacht was a drifting super-research center, from which he sent signs into space and lit lights in Australia in 1930. He did this with the guide of an Italian physicist named Landini by sending wave train signals through the earth, much as Nikola Tesla had done in Colorado Springs.

In June of 1936 Marconi exhibited to Italian Fascist tyrant Benito Mussolini a wave firearm gadget that could be utilized as a cautious weapon. In the 1930s such gadgets were advanced as 'death beams' as in a Boris Karloff film of the same name. Marconi showed the beam on a bustling expressway north of Milan one evening. Mussolini had asked his significant other Rachele to likewise be on the roadway at exactly 3:30 toward the evening. Marconi's gadget brought about the electrical frameworks in every one of the autos, including Rachele's, to glitch. The auto engines would not work for 60 minutes, while her escort and different drivers checked their fuel pumps and start plugs. At 3.35 every one of the autos could begin once more. Rachele Mussolini later distributed this record in her life account.

Mussohni was entirely satisfied with Marconi's development anyway it is said that Pope Pius XI found out about the creation of the deadening beams and found a way to have Mussolini stop Marconi's exploration. As indicated by Marconi's devotees, Marconi then took his yacht to South America in 1937, subsequent to faking his own demise. Various European researchers were said to have run with Marconi, including Landini. In 1937, the confounding Italian physicist and chemist Fulcanelli cautioned European physicists of the grave threats of nuclear weapons, and after that bafflingly vanished a couple of years after the fact. He is accepted to have joined Marconi's mystery bunch in South America. Ninety-eight researchers were said to have gone to South America where they fabricated a city in a wiped out volcanic crater,in the southern wildernesses of Venezuela. In their mystery city, financed by the colossal riches they had made amid their lives, they proceeded with Marconi's work on sunlight based vitality, grandiose vitality and repulsive force. They worked subtly and separated from the world's countries, constructing free-vitality engines and at last discoid air ship with a type of gyroscopic repulsive force. The people group is said to be committed to widespread peace and the benefit of everyone of all humankind. Trusting whatever is left of the world to be under the control of vitality organizations, multinational financiers and the military-modern complex, they have stayed disconnected from whatever is left of the world, working subversively to encourage peace and a spotless, environmental innovation on the world.

We have data on this bewildering innovative city from various sources. In the South America the story is a typical subject among certain magical gatherings. Says the French essayist Robert Charroux in his book The Mysteries of the Andes (1974, 1977 Avon Books),"... the Ciudad Subterranean de los Andes (CSA), which is talked about in private Caracas to Santiago." Charroux relates the tale of a Mexican writer named Mario Rojas Avendaro who examined the Ciudad Subterranean de los Andes (Underground City of the Andes) and inferred that it was a genuine story. Avendaro was reached by man named Nacisso Genovese, who had been an understudy of Marconi and was a material science educator at a secondary school in Baja, Mexico.

Genovese was an Italian by cause and guaranteed to have lived for a long time in the Ciudad Subterranean de los Andes. At some point in the late 1950s he composed a dark book qualified My Trip For Mars. Despite the fact that the book was never distributed in English, it appeared in different Spanrsh, Portuguese and Italian versions. Genovese guaranteed that the city had been worked with huge monetary assets, was underground, and would be wise to research offices than whatever other exploration office on the planet (around then, at any rate). By 1946 the city was at that point utilizing an effective gatherer of enormous vitality, the crucial segment of all matter, as indicated by Marconi's speculations.

"In 1952," as per Genovese, "we went over every one of the oceans and landmasses in a specialty whose vitality supply was nonstop and basically boundless. It achieved a pace of a large portion of a million miles a hour and withstood colossal weights, close to the furthest reaches of resistance of the amalgams that made it. The issue was to back it off at simply the ideal time." Genovese found the city in a hole at thirteen thousand feet in the wilderness piles of the Amazon. Genovese asserted that flights to Mars were made in their 'flying saucers,' and that this mystery city is still in presence!

There have been numerous reports of UFOs in South America, particularly along the edge of the bumpy wildernesses of the eastern Andes, from Bolivia to Venezuela. Is it conceivable that some of these UFOs are repulsive force make from the Ciudad Subterranean de los Andes? In light of exceptionally dependable sources who assert that a 'last brigade' of German officers got away by means of submarine in the most recent days of WWII to Antarctica and South America, it is conceivable that the Germans may have cutting edge super-urban communities in the remote wildernesses of South America also. Various modem military students of history, for example, Col. Howard Buechner,author of Secrets of the Holy Lance and Hitler's Ashes, keep up that the Germans had as of now made bases in Queen Maud Land, inverse South Africa, amid the war. A short time later. German U-water crafts, in a few reports upwards of 100, took critical researchers, pilots and government officials to the last fortification of Nazi Germany. Two of these U-vessels surrendered in Argentina three months after the war.

In 1947, the US Navy attacked Antarctica, fundamentally Queen Maud Land with Admiral Byrd in summon. The Americans were vanquished and a few planes from the four plane carrying warships were said to have been shot around discoid specialty. The naval force withdrew and did not return until 1957. As indicated by the book, Chronicle of Akakor, a book initially distributed in German by the columnist Karl Brugger, a German brigade had taken shelter in an underground city on the fringes of Brazil and Peru. Brugger was killed in the Rio de Janeiro suburb off panema in 1981. While the mystery urban communities of South America producing flying saucers and fighting the present forces of the world from their shrouded wilderness posts may sound an excessive amount of like the plot of a James Bond motion picture, it gives off an impression of being founded on reality!

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