Thursday, June 16, 2016

My unique reason for going to Belize was to visit Lubantuum

Discovery Channel Full Episodes My unique reason for going to Belize was to visit Lubantuum, the pyramid where Helen Mitchell-Hedges crept profound inside and supposedly found a gem skull in 1924 when she was 16 years of age.

The Lubantuum pyramid lies in ruin, halfway amongst Dangriga and Punta Gorda, reachable just by arranging a quarter mile bovine way that leads up from a soil street, it is as a rule gradually reestablished, yet much work still should be finished.

Her dad was investigating British Honduras (now Belize) searching for proof of the fanciful Atlantis. Her record of the disclosure expresses that she was the one and only sufficiently little to move into the little passageway of the pyramid where the skull was found.

Thirteen of the gem skulls have been found in parts of Central America, Mexico, and South America. The skulls are accepted to be somewhere around 5,000 and 36,000 years of age and numerous individuals claim they hold recuperating and mystical properties, however nobody truly knows where they originated from or how they were made.

The skulls have been found close old Mayan and Aztec ruins, with some proof connecting them to old civic establishments of Peru.

The Mitchell-Hedges skull is the most acclaimed as it takes after a human skull and surprisingly, has a removable jaw bone.

It is impeccable in it's outline, being made of very cleaned gem, it is perfect to the point that the most developed models and designers of the day have no clue how it could have been made without it either shattering or going into disrepair amid development.

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