Thursday, May 26, 2016

Fluoride is a compound that is added to our drinking

WW2 Weapons Documentary Fluoride is a compound that is added to our drinking water supply furthermore toothpaste, mouthwash and numerous different items. Fluoride really comes in three diverse structures and they are all man made except for actually happening mineral Fluoride in rocks. These are called Sodium fluoride, Hydrofluorosilicic corrosive and silicofluoride. These are either squander results of, or are utilized as a part of the assembling of Phosphate (compost), Aluminum and Steel, Cement, rodent poison (100% Sodium fluoride) and atomic weapons. Every one of the 3 of these chemicals are inorganic which implies they can't be prepared by your body and each of the 3 of these chemicals are poisonous, the truth is out TOXIC to people.

Be that as it may, shouldn't something be said about actually happening Fluoride?

Fluoride likewise happens normally in rocks and this additionally gets into our water yet this sort of Fluoride, while still unsafe in extensive amounts, is splendidly sheltered and is likewise really found in our bones and teeth. This regular Fluoride is called Apitate, artificially known as Calcium Fluoro, Chloro, Hydroxyl Phosphate. This is NOT the Fluoride they add to your drinking water.

More about the man made variants of fluoride.

As indicated by the dental business in the 1940s and 1950s, they evidently found that Fluoride in little measurements of 1 section for each million halted depressions from shaping by up to half. Cooperated with the Aluminum business and Nuclear weapons program, they announced that Fluoride was protected and useful for dental heath. From that point forward, government wellbeing powers have approved dumping a huge number of huge amounts of this man made, harmful waste into our drinking water while in the meantime promoting it's evident advantage to our wellbeing.

Sources in the dental business have now conceded that even actually happening Fluoride has no discernible advantage for your teeth. However governments around the globe keep on fluoridating our water with man made lethal variants. You have presumably seen the enormous brands publicizing their fluoridated toothpastes and mouth washes, they are additionally in on the demonstration. The offer of Fluoride to government and other huge enterprises is a billion dollar industry.

Be that as it may, my dental specialist lets me know I ought to utilize fluoride, doubtlessly they ought to know reality?

Shockingly, a great deal of dental practitioners are nourished the same falsehoods we are by government dental powers and other alleged specialists. The trickery is far reaching and imbued into our general public. On top of that, these chemicals may really be harming your teeth as opposed to ensuring them. Fluorosis of the teeth is currently a plague and the condition is brought on by high open to Fluoride. This causes white spots, streaks and in more serious cases tooth rot.

OK, if fluoride is doing that to your teeth, what else is it doing to you?

You might need to take a seat in the event that you aren't as of now since this might be a major stun to you. The impacts of waste fluoride on the human body, even in follow sums have been very much recorded. Case in point, in 1936 the Journal of the American Dental Association reported that as meager a 1 section for each million of fluoride is very poisonous than lead and arsenic. Also, in 1944 they went ahead to report that drinking as meager as 1.2 sections for each million was sufficient to bring about formative aggravations like the early onset of pubescence in kids. That is not all however. Here is a rundown of conditions that Fluoride introduction is known not:

Dental Fluorosis

Skeletal Fluorosis

Bone Cancer


Diminished Melatonin

Expanded possibility of all diseases

Hereditary harm

Joint inflammation

Joint torment

Insusceptible framework reaction diminish


Muscle degeneration


Brings down your IQ

Cerebrum harm

Pineal Gland calcification

Builds maturing

Brings down thyroid capacity

Solidifying of the supply routes

Also, these are only SOME of the known impacts of fluoride! Presently, if your unique inquiry was "is fluoride poisonous," I think you can say you have your answer. What's more, don't believe us, there are numerous, numerous different sites on the net, books in library's and so forth, all recording the danger of this loathsome concoction. Truly stunning to think we are purposely drinking and brushing our teeth with this stuff each and every day without a piece of information as to what it truly seems to be.

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